Jimmy Kimmel Absolutely Skewers Atomic Bomb Sitting in Oscars Audience

LOS ANGELES — Jimmy Kimmel landed a particularly pointed barb at the nuclear weapon and “Oppenheimer” actor Fat Man at the Oscars tonight, much to the delight of the crowd.

“”Fat Man is here tonight…. and I’m not talking about Stellan Skarsgård in ‘Dune Part Two!’” Kimmel said of the controversial atomic bomb, grinning as the Oscars audience laughed and cheered. 

“I’m just kidding. Fat Man, you were terrific in ‘Oppenheimer’ — even though I think you only had about a minute of screentime. Yeah. That movie had more people in it than the number you killed in World War 2!” Kimmel said to scattered laughs, and then “oooohs,” and then some light applause. “No, but seriously, you’re a great guy and I’ve looked up to you for a long time. Because, hey, lord knows I’ve had some pretty big bombs myself!”

Those in attendance confirmed that the energy in the room was electric.

“Holy shit. Hoooollly shit. I couldn’t believe Jimmy actually went there,” said Robert Pattinson. “Finally someone willing to actually take Fat Man to task.”

“I couldn’t believe it. I think I literally squealed,” said Annette Benning. “The Oscars are something else. It’s our night. It’s our one time each year to just go nutso berserk on each other.”

Fat Man, however, had less positive things to say about Kimmel’s remark.

“I didn’t think it was very funny. I like a good joke about me, but that just wasn’t funny,” Fat Man explained. “I get that I have a, you know, morally gray history. But now I’m an actor. I’m just trying to move on with my life and I wish people could just comment on my work without having to bring up my past.”

Fat Man is represented by CAA.