Following Film Industry Standard, NYU Tisch Opts Not to Release Class of ’24

Tisch and NYU flags hanging outside an NYU building.

NEW YORK — In the wake of several movie studios axing projects at any stage of production, NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts has made the controversial decision not to release the graduating class of 2024.

“This was a difficult choice designed to prepare our students for the real world,” Dean Allyson Green said. “Sometimes, you work hard on something for years, putting your heart and soul and future career hopes into it. Don’t do that, is what we’re saying.”

Despite nearly four years of development, the students will be disallowed from collecting their diplomas or posting about what they’ve learned.

“Some are being very harsh with us, but this really isn’t our fault,” Green continued. “If they wanted to be sure they’d get a degree, these students should have been going to at least two to three other colleges.”

Each student is obligated, contractually, to complete the semester, but the only class now available is Creative Accounting.

“I can’t understand why they’d do this,” said student Rachel Plymouth. “Isn’t this going to scare future students away from coming?”

At press time, NYU announced they’d be merging with every other college in the tri-state area.