[EXCLUSIVE] Jason Statham on The Beekeeper

The poster for The Beekeeper- Jason Statham's character's body fades into a swarm of bees.

We were lucky enough to be able to sit down with the star of “The Beekeeper” to discuss the film, his relationship with his representation, and his past roles, in addition to discussing the themes of the film and his feelings on his career.

Note: There are what Jason considers minor spoilers for the film below.

Dibs Next: We’re here with Jason Statham, who has turned in yet another thrilling performance as Adam Clay, a beekeeper whose life gets uprooted when–

Jason Statham: I thought it was going to be different this time.

DN: Sorry?

JS: They tricked me. Ohh, they tricked Jason Statham again. Foolish.

DN: You’re saying– what are you saying?

JS: I told Harv, my manager, I told him that I wouldn’t do any more “kill ‘em all” movies. I’ve done too many of ‘em. I wanted to do something artsy. Something quiet. And he told me about a film where I’m keeping the bees. I’m responsible for them, mind you. But it was the same old story.

DN: You thought this was a different kind of movie, is what you’re saying.

JS: I thought I’d broken the cycle. But they just keep dragging me back into these movies. I signed, and then they showed me the rest of the script. Harv– he betrayed me. He said “this is who you are. This is what you do.” Oh, God in Heaven, I killed Peeta Mellark!

DN: Hey, hey! Spoilers!

JS: Oh, I’m sorry, did you not know the bad guy dies in the action movie? When he goes up against Jason Statham? Violent, simple Jason Statham?

[Jason grabs our reporter by the shoulders]


[Jason lets our reporter go and clutches his head in anguish]

JS: That’s why I loved the bees. But no. “Nobody wants to watch Jason Statham care for bees,” Harv said. “They’ll think it’s a joke.” I guess that’s how everyone sees me. These hands cannot nurture life, they can only take it. To even think of them nourishing is laughable.

DN: You know, I’m seeing some parallels to the character of Adam Clay–

JS: The character of Adam Clay? What character? Character means depth… they robbed me of the chance. They robbed me of the opportunity. They did it, and they’ll do it again, and again… I am a beast– no, not even that. I am but an automaton, my dreams an effigy burned at the shrine of murder. I am Jason Statham.

DN: Haha, always a delight, Jason. Thanks for your time.

JS: My pleasure.


3 responses to “[EXCLUSIVE] Jason Statham on The Beekeeper”

  1. jason statham hater Avatar
    jason statham hater

    great article

  2. JS keepin’ it real.

  3. Tom McGhee Avatar
    Tom McGhee

    I know Jason personally from his time in London where we’d often fly kites together and 100% this is not what he said Jason would never turn on Harv like that